We are independent game developers

Torn Banner Studios is an award-winning independent video game company located in Toronto, Canada. Passion and innovation are the core elements of everything that we do. We are people that truly love games and are lucky enough to be following our dreams, thanks to the incredible support from our communities of players.

Company Directors


Steve Piggott – Creative Director & CEO


Alex Hayter – Brand Director


Robert Karp – Studio Director


Melissa Melnychuk – Director of People & Culture

Our global team come from AAA studios such as Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, Sony, Sega, Bioware, and more.

Torn Banner comprises of industry veterans from Canada and around the world, with an average of 11 years industry experience. We’re proud to have built an inclusive culture that supports the diverse voices of our employees, helping us to stay innovative and creative with every gaming experience we create!

Games That Inspire and Connect People Worldwide